FRANCO FOSSI - Ossessione Direzione Gioconda
It is an event organised and promoted by Unione dei Comuni Circondario Empolese Valdelsa to mark the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's death.
The Union of Municipalities has carried on with seriousness and conviction, during these years, the work for the promotion of tourism and museums in the area, through concrete projects. In 2019, the year of the fifth centenary of Leonardo’s death, we are given a further opportunity to make culture online and at the same time pay homage to the Genio Vinciano, with the widespread exhibition of the anthological work of Franco Fossi.
An artist who starts from our territory but whose fame is already international, Franco Fossi links his poetry to the myth of Leonardo and his perhaps most famous work, the Mona Lisa. In fact, Fossi’s artistic research revolves around the theoretical reflection that for art, as with matter, the rule holds that nothing is created or destroyed but everything is transformed; placing the emphasis on the energy of the sign medium to be decoded. Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is identified by him as an icon of art, object of a continuous study in time, up to conceive the so-called VISUAL DNA. In the works of Fossi we therefore find the Mona Lisa re-read, reinterpreted, introjected and reworked as an element of our cultural DNA. A concept that is well combined with the one that binds the eleven municipalities of the Empolese Valdelsa, distinct and different but united by so many elements, not always visible to the naked eye, like a real DNA that is cultural, historical, administrative.
