Franco Guerzoni
Franco Guerzoni was born on January 1, 1948 in Modena, where he lives and works. The beginning of his work goes back at the early 1970s with the realization of works with a strong conceptual character. His predominant interest concentrates mainly on the use of the photographic image and on the systems of its possible transposition. In the early 1980s, there is the turn which takes him to a very particular entry in the painting. He carries out big wall papers in analogy with the pages of the book. Nowadays, his growing interest in the world of the perception, allowed him to execute paintings which sing the praises of the bas-relief, fawing on the opaque painting of the fresco, between ruin and I restoration.
Oscar Goldoni was born in Modena on July 10, 1942. He was always interested in artistic phenomena, he has been editor and and promoter of many expository events, especially bounded to the Galleria Civica of Modena. Keen and fan of mechanisms, cars and watches, he used the movement in art objects. Then, with some friends, he started creating Alexandrian automatons. He took and collected some pictures which, up to today, testify his big sensibility. But above all, as a big dreamer,he took part in the imagination of the artists he met, and they today mourn his untimely death in 1992.