Miami Swing
MIAMISWING exploded from an encounter between Renzo Arbore and Alida Cappellini-Giovanni Licheri(theatrical set and furniture designers).
ARBORE is the inspiration for a furnishings line that reflects his lifestyle and philosophy: from ALTRA DOMENICA to ALTRA TV to ALTRO DESIGN.
It would be a mistake to say “FURNITURE DESIGNED BY ARBORE,” since the message could be misleading, placing Arbore on a par with other VIPs who at the peaks of their careers exploit their names as impromptu designers.
We prefer to see ARBORE as the MUSE inspiring the designers CAPPELLINI and LICHERI, whose theatrical design research has blossomed into TROPICAL DECO’ effect, with a soupcon of contemporary NEO POP language. All the furniture and furnishings are colorful, scintillating, and comfortable: “dream” furniture, transposing an AMERICA we all DREAM about. Design in which materials like plastics and gleaming leathers mesh with shock aesthetics.
The Miamiswing target is a quality product with a strong, individualized image. For meeting spaces, Miamiswing proposes decorating solutions that like SWING music, transmit a sense of rhythm: OUT WITH THE DOUBLE-BREASTED PINSTRIPE, the tedious and consolidated certainty of tradition, and in with a brisant, dynamic image. The MIAMISWING brand and its contents express the ideas of a stellar figure in Italian culture and entertainment, RENZO ARBORE. Translating the ideas into real objects is entrusted to the talents of Alida Cappellini and Giovanni Licheri.
Not only will the collection embody the beguiling effervescence and sparkle of dream furnishings, but will lead us into an ironic, playful SWING-HOUSE, where jazz rhythms and color schemes filter through exquisite harmonies. The MIAMISWING line is featured on many top Italian TV shows, from QUELLI CHE IL CALCIO to DOMENICA IN and from LA VITA IN DIRETTA to ARTU’ and PARLA CON ME.
MIAMISWING is also singular upholstered furniture, like the MIAMIBEACH armchair in colored leather or printed eco-leather; the INDIAN KREEK armchair, a tongue-in-cheek revisitation of the “cigarette-quilted” seats typical of ’50s American bars; and the exceptionally comfortable and visually appealing SHANGHAI sofa, named for the Italian game of pick-up sticks.