Support: Fabric
Technique: Oil on canvas
Brand: Mirabili
Edition: Unique piece
Year: 1977
Height: 90
Base: 80
The work is part of “Hidden Monnalisian” cycle is the awareness of the artist and of the existence of an endless horizon between the before and after of the Art, between what has been created and what can be created again.And it is here that finally shines the conviction that there is then a depository sign of the Origin, the primordial soup in which Art has been generated and can still be generated in new forms of language. It is in this cycle that for the first time Franco Fossi manages to outline the minimal unity of the aesthetic code, a matrix that paradoxically and unpredictably returns always alike and in its recognisable codification it can now shine with its own light and give life to new Systems of communication, able to relate different dimensions with a previously unthinkable punctuality.
We only ship with insured express courier. VAT and transport are not included in the price list. The insurance is included in the shipping costs and covers the entire value of the work. You are 100% guaranteed from theft or damage that may occurre during shipping. Before accepting the package, make sure it is intact and not wet. We recommend accepting with reserve.
Shipping costs are charged to the customer and are indicated separately on the order form and on the invoice, unless otherwise indicated. Orders shipped outside the European Union may be subject to import duties. Mirabili pays duties in advance for all orders shipped to the United States and Canada, so these customers are not subject to additional fees. Orders shipped outside the EU, the United States or Canada may be subject to import taxes. The purchased products will be delivered on working days by a selected courier (therefore excluding Saturdays, Sundays and local or national holidays) by the deadline indicated during check out.
When the courier delivers the artwork to you, you must first make sure that the package is not broken or wet. However, we recommend accepting with reserve. If, once the package has been opened, the work should be damaged, you must contact us within 24 hours from the delivery date, sending us photos that clearly show the damage.
If the artwork is not as expected and intends to return it, it can do so within 10 days from the delivery date. By sending an email to galleria@mirabili.it or by calling us on 0573 790066. The Return Authorization Form will be sent to you by email, without which your return will not be accepted and will be sent back. Then, he will have to carefully pack the work and send it to the address:
MIRABILI Art of living
Via Corticella 5/7/9
51039, Quarrata (PT), Italy
Shipping costs and risks are charged to the customer. After the return has arrived at our warehouse, it will be refunded within 10 days of receiving the artwork.
Born in 1955 in Empoli (Florence), Franco Fossi began as a young student at the State Institute of Art in Porta Romana in Florence to experiment with applications of graphic design as a construction method of composition. His research, continued after his artistic maturity and influenced by the studies of Industrial Design and his work experience as a graphic designer at the prestigious Leader agency, focused on Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa as an icon of Art and brought him, in 1974, the first creation of the VISUAL DNA which represents the synthesis of an innovative investigation methodology of which he is the head.
From 1971 to today, the artist's fervent creativity has translated into a vast production of works divided into cycles corresponding to specific historical periods, following different influences received both from previous artistic cycles and from experiences of personal experience.
In fact, over the years, Fossi combines his artistic career with the varied professional experiences that range from graphic design to the television sector with national broadcasters, and which influence his methods and expressive tools. These are the years of the path called L'Origine beyond the visual, in particular with the Monnalisiano Celato and Visual DNA cycles in which the skillful mastery in mastering the artistic techniques with graphic applications shines through in every creation, giving his works a visual impact and a extremely singular expressive force.
In 1992, on the occasion of a collaboration with the art photographer Aurelio Amendola, he filmed Michelangelo's Medici Chapels in Florence and was inspired by the application of the VISUAL DNA research on Michelangelo's works such as David and Giuliano De Medici, obtaining confirmation the methodological intuition of research of the Code had during the continuous work in progress on the Mona Lisa.
The fervent artistic activity of Fossi knows new impulses also thanks to the meeting, in the early nineties, with two great artists of the caliber of Igor Mitoraj and Venturino Venturi who encourage him to continue expressing himself in sculpture, as well as in painting and application of mixed techniques. In fact, the peculiarity of Fossi is that he models, he does not sculpt, following his personal style of compositional combinations which is the hallmark of his artistic and working experience. And this is precisely the effect that arises from his Plastic Works conceived from 1993 to 2007 as well as all his creations born parallel and subsequently to the latter, affected by the influence of his working experience such as for example those of the cycles. Angelo, Multipli, The Monnalisian postcards / Strings -: typing test and The Uchu scores.
His works have become part of various qualified collections, from the Carlo Palli Archive in Prato to the Rossana Foundation and Carlo Pedretti (director of the Armand Hammer Center for Leonardo Studies of the University of California), to the Ideal Museum archive Leonardo da Vinci, to the Mirabili collection.
Rare his group shows and exhibitions, among which we mention: a group exhibition in 2004 at the Fornace Pasquinucci in Capraia Fiorentina with "The great masters of abstractionism" (sixth edition) in which he participates with a selection of works; to follow, the solo exhibition in 2006 entitled "Under the sign of the Mona Lisa" at the Ghelfi gallery in Piazza Erbe in Verona; the collective in 2008 on the occasion of the "Santa Giusta Art Week" in Castadas in Cagliari; subsequently, a solo exhibition within the "Jaconde. From Monna Lisa to Gioconda Nuda ”set up in 2009 at the Ideal Leonardo da Vinci Museum; in 2010 some of his works were exhibited at the SACI (Studio Art Center International) in Florence and, subsequently, the group exhibitions held on the occasion of exhibitions dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci at the Castle Museum and the city of Piombino, the Torrione-Museo in the city of Margherita di Savoia, the Granafei Nervegna Palace of Brindisi and the Aragonese Castle of Otranto, as well as abroad from Miami (USA) to Kahosiung and Taipei (Taiwan) and to Amboise (France).
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These general conditions relate to the purchase of products or services, carried out remotely via the telematic network, from www.mirabili.it with headquarters in Via Corticella 5/7/9, 51039, Quarrata (PT), Italy. Each purchase transaction will be governed by the provisions of Legislative Decree 206 of 6 September 2005 (Consumer Code) and, in particular, of those referred to in Section II, Part II, Title III (distance contracts ) as well as, as regards the protection of personal data, by the provisions of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n.196.
VAT and transport are not included in the price list.
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The purchase of products and services for sale on the www.mirabili.it site are made at the price indicated therein, to be confirmed at the time of order confirmation, in addition to the transport costs. Before confirming the purchase, the total cost of each selected product, the total cost and transport costs will still be summarized.
The payment of the price of the purchased products and the costs of the related transport must be made according to the methods chosen in the order phase: CREDIT CARD - PAYPAL - ADVANCE TRANSFER.
The delivery of the products will be made in the following ways chosen by the customer: - Free collection by the customer at Via Corticella 5/7/9, 51039, Quarrata (PT), Italy - Express Courier Delivery will be made to the address indicated by the Customer for shipping. The customer is required to verify that the package is intact, not damaged or wet. Only after this verification will the Customer accept the delivery. Once the delivery has been accepted, if the content inside the package is damaged, the Customer will have 24 hours from the delivery date to contact MIRABILI Arte d'Abitare and ask for a refund of the insurance, by sending photographs in which the damage it is clearly framed.
The working days indicated in the product data sheets are indicative, and in any case not considered mandatory. However, Mirabili will take care of fulfilling orders as soon as possible, compatibly with the production times of the products purchased. The Company will not be responsible for any delays by couriers, attributable to external causes or force majeure. In this regard, the Customer declares to have been informed that the timing for the fulfillment of an order varies according to the type of processing and the quantity requested.
The Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded with the Seller, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within ten (10) working days, starting from the day of receipt of the products purchased on www.mirabili.it . To exercise the right of withdrawal, the customer must send an email to galleria@mirabili.it and wait for the return form which will be sent to the customer via email. Only when the customer has received the form, he can send the return. In no case will returns be accepted without the explicit request from the Customer and without the sending of the return form by the Company. The Customer assumes the costs and risks of returning the goods. Once the return has arrived at our warehouse, in via Corticella 5/7/9, 51039 Quarrata, Italy the Company will issue a refund within 10 working days
For all disputes concerning the interpretation or execution of the contract, the competent court will be the Court of Pistoia exclusively.